Demonstrating against the media law in Hungary
By Dori Átol, campaign coordinator of Amnesty International Hungary
Despite freezing conditions around 6-8,000 people gathered in front of the Parliament building in Budapest on 27 January to protest against the media law that came into effect in Hu…Continue Reading
Appeal to President Porfirio Lobo Sosa to Investigate Recent Murders of Transgender Women in Honduras
President Porfirio Lobo Sosa
Antiguo Edificio de Cancillería, Edificio José Cecilio del Valle
Boulevard Juan Pablo II
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Dear President Porfirio Lobo Sosa,
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Honduras: Investigate Murders of Transgender Women
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Arab govts must heed Egypt lessons: US rights group
Human Rights Watch called on Middle East governments on Monday to learn the lessons of the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings and improve the freedom of their people.Continue Reading
Letter to Secretary Clinton One Year After Historic Internet Speech
Dear Secretary Clinton,
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Tunisia: End Police Attacks on Protesters
(Tunis) – Fresh police violence against protesters in Tunis underscores the need for Tunisia’s transitional government to break with the brutally repressive ways of the past, Human Rights Watch said today. On January 29, 2011, Human Rights Watch observ…Continue Reading
African Union Calls for ‘Expeditious’ Start to Habré Trial
(Addis Ababa) – Senegal should start proceedings against Chad’s former dictator Hissene Habre immediately, Human Rights Watch said today, echoing a call from African Union heads of state and government. In a resolution adopted at its summit on January …Continue Reading
US rights group slams PA for busting pro-Egypt demo
Human Rights Watch on Monday criticised the Palestinian Authority for breaking up a rally in support of the Egyptian protests and said those who organised it were harassed.Continue Reading
Kuwait: Free Speech and Assembly Under Attack
(Kuwait City) – Kuwait carried out a major crackdown on freedom of expression and assembly during 2010, Human Rights Watch said today, in issuing its World Report 2011.
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“Work on Him Until He Confesses”:
This report documents how President Hosni Mubarak’s government implicitly condones police abuse by failing to ensure that law enforcement officials accused of torture are investigated and criminally prosecuted, leaving victims without a remedy.
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Letter from Human Rights Watch to The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi
Dear Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi,
At this critical moment in the history of Egypt and the Middle East, a heavy burden of responsibility falls on the leaders of the Egyptian Armed Forces to ensure a smooth transition from an era of politica…Continue Reading
Teenagers’ human rights undefended: lawyer
The Tasmanian Government has been accused of failing to take teenagers’ human rights seriously after police allegedly used capsicum spray on a 13-year-old in the State’s north west.Continue Reading
Arab-Israeli gets 9 years for spying for Hezbollah
A prominent Arab-Israeli human rights activist was sentenced to nine years in jail on Sunday after pleading guilty to spying for Lebanon’s Hezbollah, an Israeli court official said.Continue Reading
Palestinian Authority Disrupts Egypt Solidarity Protest in Ramallah
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Egypt: End Use of Live Fire at Peaceful Protests
Live updates from Egypt >>
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