Tunisia: The day after
By Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International’s North Africa researcher
Tunis, Saturday 15 January 2011
It was extremely calm, almost serene in Tunis this morning. It was hard to believe that only yesterday, thousands marched in the same streets calling…Continue Reading
Haiti urged to arrest "Baby Doc" amid unrest fears
Human rights groups on Monday clamored for Haiti to arrest and prosecute former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for crimes against humanity after his surprise return from 25 years in exile.Continue Reading
Haiti urged to arrest "Baby Doc" amid unrest fears
PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) – Human rights groups on Monday clamored for Haiti to arrest and prosecute former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for crimes against humanity after his surprise return from 25 years in exile.Continue Reading
Haiti: Prosecute Duvalier
(New York) – Haiti should arrest and prosecute former dictator Jean‑Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier for grave violations of human rights, Human Rights Watch said today.
Duvalier returned to Haiti yesterday from France where he has lived in ex…Continue Reading
Haiti urged to arrest "Baby Doc" amid unrest fears
PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) – Human rights groups on Monday clamored for Haiti to arrest and prosecute former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for crimes against humanity after his surprise return from 25 years in exile.Continue Reading
أثنتا عشرة ساعة هزّت تونس، كنت خلالها محتجزة في غرفة فندقي
بقلم ديانا الطحاوي
باحثة منظمة العفو الدولية لشؤون شمال أفريقيا- تونس
بينما كنت أقوم بتحضيرات اللحظة الأخيرة للسفر إلى تونس كعضو في وفد من…Continue Reading
Haiti urged to arrest "Baby Doc" amid unrest fears
Human rights groups on Monday clamored for Haiti to arrest and prosecute former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier for crimes against humanity after his surprise return from 25 years in exile.Continue Reading
Haiti urged to prosecute returned former strongman
Human rights groups are urging Haiti to prosecute former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier following his surprise return to the country.Continue Reading
Philippine rights body wants OceanaGold deal revoked
MANILA, Jan 17 (Reuters) – The Philippines’ human rights commission said the government should consider withdrawing OceanaGold Ltd’s rights to a mining project because the Australian miner had violated rights of indigenous people.Continue Reading
Philippine rights body wants OceanaGold deal revoked
MANILA, Jan 17 (Reuters) – The Philippines’ human rights commission said the government should consider withdrawing OceanaGold Ltd’s rights to a mining project because the Australian miner had violated rights of indigenous people.Continue Reading
Hu’s Missing
If President Obama can raise just one human rights issue at the summit this week with Chinese President Hu Jintao, he should speak for China’s disappeared.
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Tunisia: The day after
Saturday 15 January: It was extremely calm, almost serene in Tunis this morning. It was hard to believe that only yesterday, thousands marched in the same streets calling for an end to President Zine al-Abidin Ben Ali’s rule, and got their wish.Continue Reading
Twelve hours that shook Tunisia, trapped in my hotel room
By Diana Eltahawy in Tunis, Amnesty International researcher for North Africa
While I was making hectic last minute preparations to travel to Tunisia as part of an Amnesty International delegation looking into human rights violations, in the context …Continue Reading
EU must stop returning migrants to Ukraine
KIEV, Ukraine — In recent years we have all discovered that law-based, civilized societies have used torture against terrorism suspects. Still, when I went to Ukraine in June to investigate the treatment of migrants, I did not expect to find torture….Continue Reading
Clinton presses China on human rights
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made a passionate call for China to improve human rights, pledging not to shy away from disagreements.Continue Reading