Western Sahara: Polisario Arrests Rare Dissenter
(Washington, DC) – The Polisario Front, the Western Sahara independence movement, should release a dissident detained on September 21, 2010, if the real reason for his arrest is his vocal support for Morocco’s autonomy plan, Human Rights Watch said tod…Continue Reading
UAE: Guggenheim’s Labor Provisions Need Enforcement
(New York) – A commitment by the Guggenheim to protect the rights of laborers building its new museum in the United Arab Emirates is a positive step, but falls short in addressing key areas, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Addressing a Missed Opportunity
Why does the United Nations blueprint for lifting the world’s poorest out of poverty not make any mention of people with disabilities? According to the World Bank, 1 in 5 of the poorest people in the world has a disability.
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Put human rights at the heart of the MDGs: Let’s not waste this chance!
By Joris Veldhoven – youth activist for Amnesty International in the Netherlands
Looking back at Amnesty International’s European Youth Meeting this summer in Portugal, there is one phrase that plays continuously on my mind. I walk to the su…Continue Reading
Thailand: Protect Students, Teachers, Schools in South
(Bangkok) – Separatist attacks on teachers and schools and the government’s use of schools as military bases are greatly harming the education of children in Thailand’s southern border provinces, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
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“Targets of Both Sides”
This 111-page report details how ethnic Malay Muslim insurgents, who view the government educational system as a symbol of Thai state oppression, have threatened and killed teachers, burned and bombed government schools, and spread terror among student…Continue Reading
India: Maternal Health Gains Disputed
(New York) – New United Nations global maternal mortality estimates contradict the Indian government’s claim that it is "on track" to meeting UN goals for reducing maternal mortality, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Small Fish, Big Fish in Serbia
Eleven years ago, during NATO’s air campaign against Yugoslavia, Serbian forces killed more than 40 ethnic Albanian men in a Kosovo village called Cuska (Qyshk in Albanian). This month the hand of justice finally reached the men accused of the crime.
r…Continue Reading
Giving Birth Should Henceforth Cease to Be a Death Sentence for Our Women
When a woman dies from pregnancy or childbirth, it is not just a personal tragedy, but proof of how shamefully little many countries have done to tackle maternal mortality.
Maternal health will be high up on the agenda at the Millennium Development Go…Continue Reading
Amnesty International launches Maternal Death Clock
As world leaders attend the Millenium Development Goals summit in New York, Amnesty International launches its Maternal Death Clock, which keeps track of the total number of maternal deaths worldwide.
“The maternal death clock is a stark reminder to …Continue Reading
Syria: Release Student Blogger Held Incommunicado
(New York) – The Syrian government should immediately release Tal al-Mallohi, a 19-year-old high school student and blogger held incommunicado without charge for nine months, Human Rights Watch said today. She has been held by Syria’s security services…Continue Reading
Greece: Asylum Reform Delay Unacceptable
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(Brussels) – The Greek government’s failure to follow through on its promise to reform the country’s broken asylum system creates an urgent need for the UN High Commissioner for Refuge…Continue Reading
Greece: Asylum Reform Delay Unacceptable
(Brussels) – The Greek government’s failure to follow through on its promise to reform the country’s broken asylum system creates an urgent need for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the European Commiss…Continue Reading
A Fatwa on FGM is Only Part of the Solution
The Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union, the highest Muslim authority in Iraqi Kurdistan for religious pronouncements and rulings, issued a fatwa or religious edict last month. This would not have been particularly newsworthy, except that this particular …Continue Reading