(Washington, DC) – Victims of atrocities by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have sent emotional personal pleas to US President Barack Obama, calling for urgent action to end attacks by the rebel group, Human Rights Watch said today.
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(Moscow) – The Ukrainian authorities should immediately return materials and equipment seized from the prominent human rights activist Dmytro Groisman and the organization he leads, and allow the group to resume its lawful human rights activities, Huma…Continue Reading

Human rights groups said Wednesday they filed a complaint with the EU accusing the Czech government of failing to comply with a court order that it stop placing thousands of healthy Roma children in schools for the mentally disabled.Continue Reading

(New York) – Sussan Tahmasebi, recipient of the Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism for 2010, dedicated her award to the imprisoned lawyer and human rights defender Nasrin Sotoudeh and other detained women activists on November 10, 2010…Continue Reading

To the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton To the 27 EU Foreign Ministers To the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton To the AU Commission Chairperson H.E. Jean Ping To the 15 members of the AU Pe…Continue Reading

(New York) – Vietnam should immediately release an outspoken legal scholar and end its crackdown on lawyers and activists challenging the government on human rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Cu Huy Ha Vu, who has brought controversial legal compl…Continue Reading

(Brussels) – Croatia should carefully study the assessments of its human rights record expressed by the United Nations and the European Union on November 8 and 9, 2010, and accept and carry out their recommendations, Human Rights Watch said today.
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