Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s proposal to let civilian authorities rather than the military investigate and try some human rights cases involving troops doesn’t go far enough, human rights groups said Tuesday.Continue Reading

The Intercultural Human Rights Law Review Hosts Legal Experts at 6th Annual Symposium on Post-Earthquake Haiti Governance and Human RightsContinue Reading

(Dubai) – A decision by the United Arab Emirates Federal Supreme Court upholding a husband’s right to "chastise" his wife and children with physical abuse violates the right of the country’s women and children to liberty, security, and equali…Continue Reading

A leading human rights watchdog said courts in Saudi Arabia empower men to abuse their positions as guardians of female relatives — sometimes jailing adult women for “disobedience” when they seek control of their personal lives.Continue Reading

The first question was the obvious one. Why are you known as Mullah Tractor? "I read one or two Islamic books, so people call me Mullah. And then I bought a tractor. So I am Mullah Tractor."
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Ethiopia is denying opposition supporters food, other aid, loans and government services in a widespread effort to suppress political dissent, Human Rights Watch said in a report released Tuesday.Continue Reading

The U.S. attorney general Tuesday urged Beijing to release Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo and live up to its human rights obligations, a day before he was scheduled to meet with top law enforcement officials in China.Continue Reading

(London) – The Ethiopian government is using development aid to suppress political dissent by conditioning access to essential government programs on support for the ruling party, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Human Rights Watch …Continue Reading

Human rights campaigners are to take legal action in a bid to force police to remove CCTV cameras placed in a city as part of a controversial scheme they have said.Continue Reading

(New York) – Governments concerned about war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma should move beyond mere condemnation and establish a United Nations commission of inquiry as follow-up to a UN expert’s report on Burma released today, Human Right…Continue Reading