Statement on Stockpile Destruction and Retention under the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Global Conference on the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Santiago, Chile
The destruction of stockpiles is a central obligation in the Convention on Cluster Munitions, a convention that is in large part about prevention. The vast majority of the world’s…Continue Reading
Statement on National Implementation Measures for the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Global Conference on the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Santiago, Chile
Thank you, Chairman.
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Statement on the Roadmap to the First Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Global Conference on the Convention on Cluster Munitions
Santiago, Chile
Thank you Mr. Chairman. This appears to be an appropriate time to share some of our general thoughts on the First Meeting of States Parties.
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Cluster Munitions: Strong National Laws Needed
(Washington, DC) – Governments that join the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions should adopt strong national legislation to implement the ban agreement, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
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Chinese Corruption Is Hazardous to Your Health
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US: Two-Thirds in Senate Back Landmine Ban
(Washington, DC) – A letter from 68 Senators to President Barack Obama expressing strong support for a ban on antipersonnel mines should spur the administration to decide to join the Mine Ban Treaty this year, Human Rights Watch said. The letter, mad…Continue Reading
US: Child Farmworkers’ Dangerous Lives
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The United States is failing to protect hundreds of thousands of children engaged in often grueling and dangerous farmwork. Human Rights Watch called on Congress to amend federal law tha…Continue Reading
Somalia’s Saviors Are Making Everything Worse
As with most mortar attacks in Somalia, the shelling that turned 14-year-old Abdi into a war orphan struck without warning. Returning from school one day in the shattered capital of Mogadishu, the boy found his house blasted to bits and his parents dea…Continue Reading
Child Labor and Our Groceries
When grocery shopping for my children, I often ask myself, "Is this cereal healthy?" or "Are these carrots organic?" But until recently, I never thought to ask, "Did a 12-year old pick these strawberries?"
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Belgium: Muslim Veil Ban Would Violate Rights
(Brussels, April 21, 2010) – The Belgian Parliament should vote down a bill that would criminalize wearing the full Muslim veil in all public places in Belgium, Human Rights Watch said today. The lower chamber of Parliament is expected to debate the bi…Continue Reading
Indonesia: Court Ruling a Setback for Religious Freedom
(Jakarta) – Indonesia’s Constitutional Court dealt a severe blow to religious freedom by upholding a controversial law prohibiting "blasphemy," Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch urged the Indonesian government to revoke this a…Continue Reading
Somalia Slides
The Somali war widow shuddered as she recounted how al-Shabaab insurgents jailed her for a week and whipped her 185 times, doling out lashes during prayer calls. She received this punishment for selling cups of tea.
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Somalia: Al-Shabaab Metes Out Repression in the South
The Islamist armed group al-Shabaab is subjecting inhabitants of southern Somalia to killings, cruel punishments, and repressive social control. Al-Shabaab, the Transitional Federal Government, and African Union f…Continue Reading
Somalia: Al-Shabaab Metes Out Repression in the South
The Islamist armed group al-Shabaab is subjecting inhabitants of southern Somalia to killings, cruel punishments, and repressive social control. Al-Shabaab, the Transitional Federal Government, and African Union f…Continue Reading