US deeply concerned over rising China detentions
The United States said Monday it is “deeply concerned” about the rising trend of disappearances and arrests of human rights activists in China after one of the country’s most famous artists was detained.Continue Reading
US: Comments Submitted to Department of Justice on Proposed Standards to End Prison Rape
Human Rights Watch submits these comments to the Department of Justice in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking of February 3, 2011 regarding its Proposed Rule for National Standards To Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape ("PREA st…Continue Reading
US: Comments Submitted to Department of Justice on Proposed Standards to End Prison Rape
Human Rights Watch submits these comments to the Department of Justice in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking of February 3, 2011 regarding its Proposed Rule for National Standards To Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape ("PREA st…Continue Reading
US deeply concerned over rising China detentions
The United States says it is “deeply concerned” about the rising trend of disappearances and detentions of human rights activists in China.Continue Reading
Djibouti: Allow Peaceful Protests
(London) – The government of Djibouti should immediately end its systematic crackdown on peaceful critics and the political opposition, Human Rights Watch said today. Presidential elections are scheduled for April 8, 2011, but since February, the gov…Continue Reading
UN: Judge hasn’t asked Gaza report to be nixed
The U.N.’s top human rights body that commissioned an investigation of Israel’s 2009 incursion into Gaza will continue to treat it as a legitimate working document, even though the lead author has backtracked from some of the report’s most damning alle…Continue Reading
Futuristic Facebook Game Depicts a Divided States of America and Challenges Players to Change the Future
Breakthrough, a global human rights organization, announces the launch of the groundbreaking Facebook-based game “America 2049” , in which players actively explore how the choices and challenges Americans now face will shape the future of the country, …Continue Reading
Mark Hiznay Delivers Statement on Universalization of CCW Amended Protocol II on Mines, Booby-Traps, and Other Devices
Thank you Chairperson,
Today is the international Mine Awareness and Mine Action day, but new unsettling developments mark a disturbing way to commemorate it.
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Mark Hiznay Delivers Statement on Universalization of CCW Amended Protocol II on Mines, Booby-Traps, and Other Devices
Thank you Chairperson,
Today is the international Mine Awareness and Mine Action day, but new unsettling developments mark a disturbing way to commemorate it.
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UN: Judge hasn’t asked Gaza report to be nixed
The U.N.’s top human rights body says it is standing by a report about Israel’s 2009 incursion into Gaza even though the lead author has backtracked from some of the report’s most damning allegations against Israel.Continue Reading
Uzbekistan Can’t Muzzle the Messenger
(New York) – I should be writing this from Tashkent, where for 15 years Human Rights Watch has maintained a field office. Until last month.
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Mexico: Investigate Enforced Disappearances in Ciudad Juarez
(Washington, DC) – Mexico’s federal authorities should immediately take over the investigation into the possible enforced disappearance by municipal police of four civilians in Ciudad Juarez, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Libia: Vivir con miedo y atrapados entre dos fuegos
Por Donatella Rovera, investigadora de Amnistía Internacional sobre la crisis
1 de abril de 2011, Ajdabiya
Ajdabiya, ciudad de más de 100.000 habitantes, ha quedado nuevo vacía de sus residentes. Ayer, incluso los pocos residentes que habían come…Continue Reading
Serbia-Kosovo Talks Must Not Forget the Roma
Officials from Serbia and Kosovo met in Brussels last week for a second round of negotiations aimed at establishing a formal relationship. Because of the potential for the talks to be politically fraught, negotiators have agreed to limit themselves to …Continue Reading
Singapore UPR Submission Addendum
Although Singapore’s constitution guarantees rights to free expression, peaceful assembly, and association, these rights are severely restricted in practice.
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