On Monday, November 22, 2010, in The Hague, judges of Trial Chamber III of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will begin hearing evidence in the trial against Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, a former vice president of Congo, rebel leader, and leader of Co…Continue Reading

This book is the culmination of a decade of research by Human Rights Watch. It details the humanitarian toll of cluster munitions, analyzes the international process that resulted in the treaty successfully banning them, and presents the steps that nat…Continue Reading

(Geneva) – The Convention on Cluster Munitions is the only viable solution to ending the scourge of cluster munitions, Human Rights Watch said in a new book released today. As diplomats in Geneva opened discussions on a weak alternative, Human Rights W…Continue Reading

A report to the U.N. General Assembly at the end of October about the need for better sex education was met with a flurry of angry voices. African nations rejected the report. Caribbean countries said they took "umbrage" and wanted to "…Continue Reading

(New York) ­­- Burma’s military government should heed the call in the November 18, 2010 United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for the release of all political prisoners, Human Rights Watch said today.
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