The foreign secretary William Hague said last week that human rights should be the "irreducible core" of the UK’s foreign policy. But he did not spell out why, or what that would mean in practice.
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(New York, July 1, 2010) – The upcoming 18th annual International AIDS Conference should focus on reaching the most vulnerable populations and removing barriers to their treatment, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Torture is prohibited under international law, at anytime and anywhere. No exceptions are allowed. Yet the UK, France and Germany are engaged in ongoing counterterrorism cooperation with foreign intelligence services in countries that routinely use tor…Continue Reading

(Geneva) – The United Nations Human Rights Council took positive steps to respond to human rights emergencies in Kyrgyzstan and Somalia in its session that ended on June 18, 2010, Human Rights Watch said today.
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While internationally recognized as a form of violence against women and girls, the tragedy is that female genital mutilation is perpetuated by mothers, aunts and other women who love and want the best for their children, who see the practice as ensuri…Continue Reading

(Washington, DC) – Governments that join the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions should adopt strong national legislation to implement the ban agreement, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
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(Washington, DC) – A letter from 68 Senators to President Barack Obama expressing strong support for a ban on antipersonnel mines should spur the administration to decide to join the Mine Ban Treaty this year, Human Rights Watch said. The letter, mad…Continue Reading

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The United States is failing to protect hundreds of thousands of children engaged in often grueling and dangerous farmwork. Human Rights Watch called on Congress to amend federal law tha…Continue Reading